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Updated: 1 day ago

To help us celebrate GSI 45th anniversary, this week we have the pleasure of highlighting our former CEO, Mr. Mike Mire.

Before retiring in 2016, Mr. Mike started working for GSI in 1983 where he was the 7th employee to join the original company, formally known as Bayou Pump Rentals. Coming on board with the company early on with so few employees, he noted, "you wind up doing almost everything," in regards to roles of all capacity.

We spoke on much of the company history where he played a huge role in such a pivotable point in the growth at GSI around 2014. With the support of key business partners and shareholders, he stated that although it took a lot of ingenuity and huge leaps to enlarge the GSI footprint, they were able to do just that. He attributed the success of GSI' growth of their highest headcount nearing 400 employees to the introduction of the Hydraulic Shears and its ability to operate subsurface, the Rotating Cement Head Systems, as well winning a large contract allowing GSI to become the number one vendor for 12 of this top client's service lines.

One of the main key takeaways of our discussion was his focus on the GSI equipment to help set the industry standard in the face of Safety. By having the capability of utilizing our equipment below water,

GSI was able to introduce a method which significantly reduced the exposure for human personnel against injury and fatality.

He also highlighted the growth was not due to just a few folks alone. It was a "we" effort which included all members of the organization that helped to shape it into the organization it is today.

Thank you Mr. Mike for 33 years of service at Gulfstream, and for taking the time out to speak with us to reflect on the incredible journey to highlight the GSI 45th anniversary milestone!


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